The Crocus Project

W roku szkolnym 2021/22 przyłączyliśmy się do The Crocus Project. 

Celem projektu jest zachowanie i pielęgnowanie pamięci o wszystkich dzieciach, które zginęły w obozach koncentracyjnych. 

The Crocus Project is an Irish initiative whereby HETI provides yellow Crocus bulbs for young people and school pupils aged ten years and over to plant in memory of the 1.5 million Jewish children who perished in the Holocaust and thousands of other children who were victims of Nazi atrocities. The yellow flowers recall the yellow Stars of David that Jews were forced to wear under Nazi rule. The Crocus blooms around the end of January, about the time of international Holocaust Memorial Day (27 January). When people admire the flowers, the pupils explain what they represent and recall the children who perished in the Holocaust.


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